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The Tale of Two Regions

Before I start, this not about the Charles Dickens classic. Once upon a time, a very long time ago, there were two regions that we call Europe and China. Though they were neighboring countries, the cultures are much different. In this short essay, I will explain each region and how they are different, starting with Ancient China.

We start Ancient China’s history with the not- so- glamorous Zhou dynasty, when 200 small states battled for their freedom. There isn’t much detail in the history books, so that is all we know about that war. The one thing we do know is that the Great Wall of China was completed in the Zhou dynasty. That is the only manmade landmark visible from outer space! One Chinese emperor named Shi Huangdi decided to burry a life-size army of terra cotta army with him so he could be protected from evil spirits. Some people are just weird. During the Qin dynasty china was separated like Rome did (western Rome and eastern Rome), but during the Han dynasty, china was reunited. The Han dynasty was also the time when many scientific accomplishments happened including the invention of the seismograph, compass magnets, and paper; and the discovery of 365 days in a year. That was the most productive dynasty! China has a lot of history that you can discover too!

The Celts (a migrating tribe) were the first to arrive in ancient Europe and they were the most populous! We learned about the tribe from ancient Roman writings. When someone of importance died in the Celtic tribe, their gravestones were made with mounds or large stones called megaliths. Their scientific invention is soup. THANK YOU CELTS FOR YOUR AMAZING RECAPIE! The choices for an occupation were: chieftons, bards, druids, peasants, and merchants. The Celts mined and traded salt. Back then salt was rare and valuable so it was a good trade.

So now, you know how different China and Europe are from each other. It’s so hard to believe that only 2 kilometers can have a HUGE culture impact. I explained to you how different they are. You can see that some of the old traditions of Europe and China are still used today! I challenge you to find someone doing one of the things the Ancients did! Maybe you can do them yourself. Soup this time of year would be delicious!

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