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Saxon Culture

The Saxons are a lot like other cultures in the medieval times. They were separated from upper class to lower class and had their special food recipes. I will tell you all about the way of the Saxon. The Saxons had a raking system based on how rich and classy they were. At the top, we have the royals and the priests, than the farmers and merchants, and at the very bottom are the peasants and the slaves. Peasants weren’t hired often to work or they were hired for low paying jobs that sucked! The Saxons were the next-door neighbors to the Celts who invented soup. So naturally, the Saxons learned how to make soup, and that became the main food for the Saxons. They also used soup to cure diseases. For big parties that the king and queen hosted, the main dish would be roast with sides of veggies and fruit. The entertainment at these feasts would be jousting and sword fighting along with poets who would perform their poetry to the crowd like a play. The attendees would be everyone except the people who were working, and the peasants. These parties were hosted on holidays such as Christmas and Easter. By the time the party is over, it would be time to head back home to your family. Families back then were not started by falling in love, getting married, and having a baby when you wanted to. You were forced to marry a man you met on your wedding day and get pregnant a week later. CRAZY! Back then, a woman’s sole purpose was to continue the human race. Even more crazy! That is the way of the Saxon. You know what social ranking they had, what foods they would eat, how families worked, and how fun their parties were. I would like to travel back in time to give them my favorite soup recipie!

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