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Theme can mean two different things. The first being, the overall theme, like for a birthday party. If the theme was Frozen, you’d have a Frozen cake, Frozen decorations, and Frozen activities. The type of theme we’re going to look at today is the theme of a story. That type of theme is another word for moral. Therefore, the theme is also the moral of the story! Today I’m going to discuss the theme of, “Treasure Island”, A book about pirates and Treasure hunting!

I think the theme of this story is, don’t trust people who look suspicious. When Jim Hawkins first met captain Long Jon Silver, Jim was a little weary. That weariness changed when their ship, the Hispanolia, docked at the island and Long Jon Silver went on a rampage and murdered his crew. Jim got away in time. When he came back to the Hispanolia three of the remaining crewmates were super drunk and they were killing each other. Once they were all dead Jim went back on the ship so he could try to beach it. Then he noticed someone else on the ship named, hands. They worked together to beach the ship, but yet again, Jim had his suspicions about him. He was right! The day after, Hands tried to kill Jim , but Jim killed Hands instead. That is the reason why I chose that theme, and why I don’t trust suspicious looking people. I just stay away!

Theme can be the theme of the party or the story. Today we adventured into the world of pirates and found the theme of “Treasure Island”, don’t trust people who look suspicious, my reason being: “I don’t want to die today!”

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