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White Fang

Jack London, the author of this book, had a tough life. His dad died before he was born, his mom disowned him at a young age and gave him to an ex-slave. When he got older, he was homeless for a year, when he finally went to school, he had to drop out because of financial issues, and when he bought a ranch and built a house, the house burned down the day he was supposed to move in. Therefore, I’d say he had a rough life. While he was at the ranch, he wrote two bestselling books, “White Fang” and “Call of the Wild”. “White Fang” was very enjoyable and I think you would enjoy reading this book.

The story starts out with a gang of wolves with a wolf named One Eye as the pack leader. The Pack notices some sled dogs pulling a group of Indians. One Eye charges into battle while leaving only one person, One Eye, and a she-wolf alive. Because the rest of the pack was killed, One Eye and the she-wolf to search for other dogs. They don’t find anyone, so they breed and had one pup. They named him White Fang.

When White Fang got older, he became a killing machine, destroying every dog that made contact with him or got mad at him. One day, White Fang became an official hunting dog. His master was pleased with White Fang until one bulldog started to choke him. A man named Weedon Scott stopped the bulldog from choking White Fang and took him in. White fang was loved by the entire Scott family. One day White fang got sick and had one in 10,000 chance of survival, but with the love and spirit of the Scott family, he got better faster! The family also owned a sheep dog, and White Fang and the sheep dog had a pup named, Buck. White fang happily lives with the Scotts until he died of old age.

“White Fang” is about loyalty and love. White fang was loyal to all of his masters and the Scotts. When he was with the Scott family, he was shown kindness for the first time in his life, and when he fell ill, his family helped him get through it. The sequel to this book is “Call of the Wild”. Do any of you guys plan on reading it?

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