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We start with some creepy witches cackling about someone named Macbeth (there were three). We see into their cauldron and take our first look at Macbeth who’s kicking butt on the battle field trying to defend King Duncan. Of course King Duncan’s army won (what would be the point of telling a story about someone who died in the first scene?) As Macbeth is coming home with his best friend Banquo, he wanders into an unfamiliar forest. That unfamiliar forest was the home of the witches! The witches look into their cauldron and into the future to see that Macbeth would be crowned king. Banquo was a little disappointed that he didn’t get to have a prophecy, but the three witches told Banquo that his kids will be the future kings of Scotland. Banquo is super happy that his kids will have bright futures, but Macbeth is not so thrilled.

While Macbeth is waiting around for "chance" to come along and make him king, he starts getting restless. His ambitious wife, Lady Macbeth, prods him into acting like a "man" and killing King Duncan when the poor guy comes to Macbeth's castle for a friendly visit. This is very stupid in my opinion. If you want something that bad, you got to work for it or have your wife “fall in love” with the king and act like you are her son! Macduff finds the king's dead body and knows something’s up. He tells the king’s children to run away before the murderer gets them. Of course, them not willing to give up their lives yet, the children run away and never look back.

Macbeth is named king and things are as good as gold. The Prophecy’s fulfilled! Except, Macbeth is a little worried about the witch's prophecy that Banquo's heirs will be kings. Macbeth's not about to let someone bump him off the throne, so he hires some guards to take care of Banquo and his son, Fleance. Banquo is murdered, but Fleance escapes. Poor Banquo

Things go downhill for Macbeth, who's more haunted than the ghost busters can handle! He pops in on the Three Sisters for another prophesy, which comes in three parts: (1) watch out for Macduff; (2) no man born of woman is going to hurt him (no man born by C-section can hurt Macbeth); and (3) don’t worry until Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane. Birnam Wood is a forest. Macbeth breathes a sigh of relief with #2 and #3, since those are obviously impossible situations and mean that he's effectively safe. The one about Macduff has him a little worried, though, so he kills off Macduff's family. Naturally.

By now, people are starting to get a little suspicious. Macduff and Malcolm pay a visit to the awesome English king, Edward the Confessor, and start plotting with the English soldiers how to save Scotland from Macbeth's tyranny. Oh, and Lady Macbeth? She's not doing so hot. In fact, she basically dies of guilt. But Macbeth is safe, right? Not so fast. Macduff and Malcolm show up with their army and order troops to cut the branches from the trees in Birnam Wood for camouflage.

Remember what the three sisters said about Birnam Wood moving to Dunsinane? Then you know where this is headed. Macduff corners Macbeth, and they have an epic sword fight across the castle. Macduff and Macbeth exchange insults with each other and finally Macduff tells him that he was delivered via C-section rather than being "born”. That was when Macbeth starts to really panic; and then Macduff cuts off his head. So much for the old king of Scotland. Tally ho!

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