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The Untold Story of the Great Cazam and Dr. Destructor

Very far in the future in a land that’s probably really close to your house, there was a man hole. And if you had one of the 7,842 entry slips, the security guard would let you into the sewer. And, if you went in the right pipe, you would come outside to find a beautiful city called Protopia that looked a lot like a very sunny New York. The only difference was the transportation. People used hover cars, scooters, bikes, and skateboards to get around. Anyway, this town functions like any other normal town, but there is just one more job for people with abnormal abilities that they can apply for. The position of a Superhero! It takes a lot to be a super hero, but the main qualification is that you MUST be: a really early bird (like 5:37 am), or a super night owl (like 12:00 am). The superhero we’re going to be focused on today is Cazam: with flight and super speed, she can stop a villain without anyone knowing (even the villain). But normally she goes by her cover name, Cindy. But when she’s in costume, that’s a whole different story!


Cindy is an honest, hardworking, 17-year-old, which is rare because most 17-year-olds are party animals. She lives with her mom, Anabel, dad, Mark, little 9-year-old brother, Mikey, and adopted 7-year-old sister, Lilly. One morning (April 27th, 2047) Cindy got a call from Major Monopod, (he transferred from O.W.C.A) to stop a brand new villain named Dr. Destructor. “Dr. Destructor?” Cindy remarked, “On a scale from noob to master, how good is he?”

“Very noob,” Said Major Monopod, “all of the other villains are in the hospital recovering from battles with you, so the people over in Contown,” (that’s basically Protopia’s opposite.) “Are counting on this new villain to take you down, when it’s his first day on the job!”

“Well, this means I can kick his butt and be home for lunch!” exclaimed Cindy!


Like every other superhero fight, the whole town crowded around them and watched it all go down. Cindy/ Cazam had just arrived for the long, boring scheme reveal. “In 10 minutes, the ball in my hand will let out a green gas that will put everyone but me into a deep sleep, and once you all are sleeping, I will push this button which will make your pathetic little city crumble to the ground!” Dr. Destructor maniacally laughed for about a minute and then he noticed, the great Cazam. “YOU! What are YOU doing here?”

“I think it’s pretty obvious that the people want you to leave, and I haven’t been out on the field for days!” and with that, Cazam threw the first punch!

Apparently Dr. Destructor had been keeping a little secret from Cazam. HE COULD KICK BUTT! Cazam had only been training 11 years, but Dr. Destructor had been training for 12! This was not looking good for the great Cazam! “You’ll never foil my evil scheme in time Cazam!” Dr. Destructor shouted over the cheering crowd (it was like watching a football game)!

“Over my dead body!” And the fight continued.

It was a very close match with both of them nearly dying, twice. But Cazam charged up with super speed and whipped to: Africa to get the best rope in the world, England for the most sturdy hand cuffs, and Arizona for some high quality cow boy boots (Cazam likes to get into character when she fights. This fight, she decided to go all out cow girl). She came back to Protopia to lasso him up and handcuff him to a light post. As usual, the crowd below cheered nonstop for 3 minutes and Cazam got to go home and become Cindy again.


Two months later, Major Monopod called in at 5:00 am witch is somewhat normal for being a superhero, but when he calls in early, it’s always at 5:37 am. So Cindy answered with a very open mind, “Hello Major. What evil dwells?”

“No evil today Cazam. We’ve got a new recruit!” Cindy looked at her communication device astonished.

“But we haven’t had a new recruit sense 2040!” Cindy exclaimed, “And that new recruit was me!”

“I know, and we’re glad to have you on board, but that’s not what I was trying to say. He will be shadowing you wherever you go for the next week or so. He’ll see how you fight, how you lock bad guys up, how you clip your toenails-“

“OKAY! I GET IT! No need to have him see how I clip my toenails!”

“I was just trying to be funny! I guess that isn’t possible at 5:01 am. Anyways, he should be at your front door at 6:00. He said that’s how early he can get up. Oh and I almost forgot,” Major Monopod exclaimed, “His name is Josh, and his code name is… well we haven’t figured that one out yet. Good luck Cazam!” and with that, Major Monopod disappeared from the screen and everything was dark again.


At exactly 6:00 am, the doorbell rang. “I’ll get it!” Cindy exclaimed as she ran and put on her slippers. As she opened the door, Cindy froze. Just outside was the most beautiful person she had ever seen. He had perfectly tousled brunet hair, very nice posture, green eyes that spoke right into your soul, and a very fit and strong body (you have to have some muscle to join the superhero career). And yet, there was something vaguely familiar about him. “Hi,” Cindy said just trying to catch her breath. “I’m Cindy, your mentor. Do I know you?”

“Sup, I’m Josh, and no, I would remember meeting you before, but I don’t.” Cindy couldn’t help but sigh a little. “That might mean something!” Cindy thought. As soon as Mikey and Lilly heard this, they immediately jumped out of their chairs and sang, “Cindy has a crush! Cindy has a crush!” Luckily, Cindy stopped them before Josh could hear the song.

“Want to come inside?” Cindy asked

“Sure! It is kind of cold out here.” In fact it was so cold that you could see your breath, so naturally, she let him inside and shut the door.

Cindy had already eaten breakfast so she decided to make everyone heart shaped waffles (for obvious reasons) and of course, Josh didn’t get her message, but he did get the fact that Cindy was an amazing cook! “If all else fails,” Josh said with his mouth full, “You could own a 50’s diner!” Cindy blushed. She had never been complemented on her cooking skills before, mostly because her mom and dad were at work before she got up and Lilly and Mikey would rather get sick on a bunch of candy that eat anything with fruit in it.

“Wow! Thank you. I’ve only cooked for myself so it’s good to know that someone else likes it!”


The next day after a nice breakfast together, they decided it was time to get down to business, which meant it was time to look for small robberies and prison escapees in the awesome basement. Cindy wanted to start small so she wouldn’t risk the death (and possibly future dating time) of Josh. Once they got to the bottom of the stairs, Josh’s mouth fell open. It was as if you were looking at where iron man made his suit! High and low there were gadgets everywhere. The thinnest desktop computer screen that you had ever seen, multitudes of exercise equipment (he thought that he could see some muscle underneath her robe) and in the very back of the room, a keypad. Cindy calmly walked over to the keypad and entered the numbers 6945, and a panel opened up in the wall revealing the costume of Cazam. It was a metallic, turquois body suit with metallic, yellow lightning bolts streaking across the tight fitting beauty.

Another panel opened up showcasing her mask and boots which were the same color turquois as her jumpsuit. “Don’t look!” Cindy said. Josh turned around as she changed. She was such a nice girl, even though she didn’t know the truth yet. Josh was actually Dr. Destructor trying to find her weaknesses. He really felt bad about eventually hurting her, but it was the only way he could stay afloat in Contown. It was extremely hard to earn a living there and he had lived there all of his life. If Josh wanted to stay in his 1 bedroom ½ bathroom apartment there, he had to become a supervillain or a mad scientist. He chose supervillain because you needed a large quantity of science and math degrees to even step foot in the job interview. He liked being evil, don’t get me wrong, it’s just he’d rather be working with a partner in crime, and just for now, Josh thought he found one. There was only one problem. She was good and he was bad, but he still had an interest in her witch made him want to try being good (that was another reason why Josh was here).

“You can look now!” said Cindy with an excited tone. Josh turned around to see the great Cazam in full costume, mask and everything. “We have no chance together,” Josh thought, “I should be grateful to be in the same room with her!” Cindy was feeling the exact same way.

“Alright. It’s time to crime hunt. It’s where we check the streets for small robberies and jail breakouts.” Cindy said. She was feeling extra confidant with her super suit on.

“May I interject, when do I get my super suit and name?” Josh said.

“You might get that after we stop the crime, but for now, I’m just going to help you defeat your very first bad guy.” As soon as Cindy said that, the alarm in the basement went off. She bolted to her desktop computer to inspect what was going on. “It appears that there is a bank robbery going on in the town square, are you ready Josh?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be!” Josh said with a somewhat nervous tone. Then Cindy grabbed the keys to the hover car and they flew off to town square.


When they got to the crime scene, everything looked fine and peaceful. This made Josh confused. Didn’t she just say that there was a bank robbery in the town square? There must be some mistake because everyone was going about their day as if there was no evil in sight. Cazam had been finding a place to park, but sense there was a law forbidding citizens to park in the sky, she had to keep on circling. She finally found a spot and was right by Josh’s side in two seconds. “They’ll be here in a couple minutes.” Cazam said.

“I thought it was in progress!” Josh exclaimed.

“I forgot to tell you that my security cameras are recording 10 minutes into the future so that way I can get there right when the bad guys show up.”

“Oh! That makes more sense!” Josh said with a sigh of relief. He wanted those cameras back in Contown!

1 minute later, the bank alarm sounded. “Come on!” Cazam shouted over the deafening wail of the sirens. They took off in the direction of the bank and charged inside. When they stepped foot into the bank, Josh’s mouth practically dropped to the floor. Everyone inside the building looked dead (except for the robbers of course) “OH MY- ARE THEY”

“Oh heavens no,” said Cazam, “They’re just knocked out cold. The cause must be one of those sleepy bombs,” Josh’s eyes widened even more, “Oh! One minute after the sleepy bomb explodes, the affect doesn’t work on anyone else!” Josh relaxed a little bit knowing that he wasn’t going to take an afternoon nap. “It’s time to bust some crime!” Cazam exclaimed sounding very cheesy. And the two went into battle.


When the fight was over and the robbers were arrested, it was time to get a costume for Josh. They arrived at the superhero’s emporium at 10:00 am and they were greeted by an old friend of Cindy’s. “Josh this is Lola, Lola this is you know who”

“OMG! I’m soooo excited to meet you! Cindy over here talks to me every night over facetime and she was telling me all about you! You should know that she loves-“

“KITTIES,” Cindy interjected before Lola could embarrass her, “I love cats! They’re so cute and fluffy, and I’ve always wanted a cat of my own!”

“Riiiight.” Josh said looking very puzzled.

“Anyway,” Lola said, “It’s time for you to try on your new super suit!” and Lola handed Josh a white morph suit.

“Uhh, is it supposed to look this, blank?” Josh said questioningly

“Well, once you put the suit on, it changes itself to fit your personality!” said Lola. Josh gulped.

In the dressing room, Josh tried to conceal all of his evil thoughts into a past memory. To his surprise, he realized that he didn’t have any evil thoughts flowing through his head at all! He was feeling… good! When he finally put the suit on, it morphed into a tight fitting, purple and green bodysuit with a green crown symbol on the front. When he showed the girls, they both said that his super name should be, King of the World! After that, Lola gave him a matching mask and matching boots, and Cazam left with King of the World right by her side.

The two of them decided to go to the cold stone creamery across the street. They split a cup of mint mint chocolate chocolate chip and they got to know each other. Cindy told him all about how she made supervillains go crying to their mommies or the hospital, and Josh knew that feeling. After his fight with Cazam, he had a broken arm and no shoulder to cry on. He had no mom or dad. They left him on the curb side at age 11, and he’s been alone ever sense. Josh considered himself to be the unluckiest guy in the universe until he met Cindy. She had taught him so much in the last 24 hours that he forgot that he was supposed to be finding her one true weakness.


They spent the next couple of weeks fighting the occasional robber, training, and cooking (Cindy was so excited that someone enjoyed her cooking, that she just had to show Josh how she made it taste so good. Josh went along with it). Then the day came for Josh to go out on his own and fight his own battles. Cindy was very sad. She wished that they could spend more time together. Josh wished the same thing, for towards the end of his first week of being here, he realized that he loved Cindy. He felt silly admitting it to himself, but it was true. “Good luck out there,” Cindy said, with tears in her eyes, “I know you’ll do great.”

“You too.” Said a mopey Josh.

“I’ll see you on the flipside.” Cindy said, (she was trying to hold back tears, but it wasn’t going so well). And after that, they hugged. It was like they were never going to see each other ever again. Then, Josh held out a torn piece of paper Cindy looked at it and saw a phone number with little hearts beside it. “Call me whenever you can.” And with that, Josh disappeared into the blizzard outside.


One week later, Cindy decided to call Josh to tell him the truth. She just wanted to him to know that she loved him. With that in mind, she dialed his number. “Hello?” answered a voice.

“Josh! It’s me, Cindy! Oh you have no idea on how much I miss you! Listen-“

“That’s all I can do right now.” Josh replied, he heard a giggle on the other end.

“You’re funny! Anyways I’ve been thinking, and I know this is the best time to say this, but, I just want to tell you…” Cindy started to sweat a little, “I want to tell you that… I… love you. I said it! I love you Josh, more than anything in the world! Well, besides my family of course, but I just want you to be here right now so I can just hug you in person.” Right after she said that, the doorbell rang. Cindy opened it to find Josh at the front door panting.

“I love you too, Cindy! But there is something that might make you hate me.”

“What is it?” Cindy was starting to get worried.

“Well, remember 3 months ago when you fought Dr. Destructor? I am Dr. Destructor, but ever sense I met you, I have lost all of my evil intentions! I haven’t had the urge to hurt anyone ever again! Please, will you forgive me for hurting you?” Cindy didn’t know what to think! On one hand she loves the guy that almost killed her, but on the other hand, she loves a guy who cares for his city, who needed love because he never had it until now. It was clear on what she had to do.

“You have never had someone love you, EVER. So I think you need someone to love you until the end of time, and I want that someone to be me. I’d still love you, Josh, even if you were evil” and with that said, they shared the most wonderful kiss. Time had stopped just for them and they thanked whoever stopped the clock. They wanted this moment to last forever. They married 7 years after that moment and became known as team dynamite (because they were the world’s strongest power couple (litteraly))!

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