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The Whisper

One cold and windy night in Chicago, Illinois, a young girl was walking home from school. It was normal on a day like this to have a tree fall and block your path, but on this particular rainstorm, the largest tree on the block fell to make sure she never came home. The little girl was quite startled when it fell. She had never seen a tree fall in her 5 years of living. She thought to herself, “I hope this tree doesn’t have a son, then that son would be very sad.” And she kept on walking home.

This little girl was smarter than the average 8 year old. She knew trigonometry and all of algebra 2, so she took the 10th grade class with her three other friends. One was a girl named Alissa with a very long, blonde pony-tail. The little girl liked to ride on her back. Another was a bald boy nick named Fiddler. He had contact lenses that drove him nuts! Fiddler used to have wire rimmed glasses, but he traded them in so he could break his bad habit of polishing them whenever he was nervous. The last friend was the most average looking person you’d ever meet and his name was Keven. He had average brown hair, average brown eyes, and average sense of style. But Keven was a master when it came to riddles and puzzles. His favorite game was chess! The little girl loved them all, and they were the bestist friends any 5 year old girl could ask for. She loved most everything around her except the fact that her red rain coat was too small for her, but that was pretty minor.

When she got home, all of the joy drained from her face. Usually when she comes home from school, all of the house guests would greet her, but not today. Everyone was gone. She was alone (the little girl doesn’t like to be alone). The empty house creeped her out a little bit, but being the stubborn girl that she was, she went up to her room on the third floor to start her homework (she hates doing it, but she knows that she has to. Otherwise she can’t eat desert for one whole week!).

Once she sat down and got to work on her math, a voice over her shoulder said, “Why not start with writing? I’ve heard you love to write poetry.” The voice sounded like a ghost that had lost its voice and could only whispered.

The little girl started to panic “Who are you, and what have you done with my friends?”

“Oh them? I was just hoping to get to know you, I am a part of your body,” then the little girl remembered that she had a gift. You see, she had a slight power of telepathy. She could read and change people’s minds slightly, and she also sense when someone was coming, “I was just wondering what’s your name little girl? This is my first day in your head, and it’s certainly not my last.” Then she heard a little cackle.

And with as much confidence the little girl could muster, she said, “My name is Walking’s. Katie Walking’s”

“Very well, Katie. I want you to do your writing assignment first, then maybe you can have access to your powers again and you can find your friends!”

“Are you a mental block?” Katie asked.

“Yes,” The voice said in a defeated voice, “Now… GET TO WORK!” and with a start, Katie started writing.

She was supposed to write about the book, play, or poem she liked the most, but she wasn’t supposed to include her own. That had made the assignment 10 times more difficult. In the end, Katie chose to write about the Mysterious Benedict Society by: Trenton Lee Stuart. She had been on the verge of choosing A Christmas Carol or Alice in Wonderland, but she wanted to do something more modern. She did love Lewis Carol and Charles Dickins, but it was easier to understand the language of Trenton Lee Stuart. “Make sure you include the elements of a good story, the point of view, and the world views in your report about the book, poem, or play.” Katie’s teacher had said. If only Katie had been paying attention in class. Then she at least she could’ve known what the heck juxtaposition meant. “I think it has to do with the setting. Oh right! It’s the atmosphere or the feeling the setting creates!”

“No you idiot,” the voice said, “It’s the fact of two things being seen or placed together without any contrasting affects! Fricking get it right!”

“Jeez! I’m sorry! I’ll pay attention next time!” Katie screamed. Sense nobody was home except her, she could scream as loud as she liked!

Now it was 5:00 pm and Katie was getting hungry. She needed to find her friends and family before she starved to death, oh and before they die as well. She kind of forgot about that part. “Now, elements of a good story. If there is one thing I know, a good story is no story at all!”

“Are you kidding me,” the voice exclaimed, “the elements of a good story have a plot, setting, and characters! If you payed attention at school, this would be easy for you! BUT NO! I HAVE TO GIVE YOU ALL THE ANSWERS AND I’M SICK OF-“

“Would you stop it already? You’re making this more and more difficult for the both of us here!”

“You’re right Katie. Go ahead.” And Katie continued writing.

“I remember this stuff! There are 5 plot elements that every good story should have! The exposition, the rising action, the climax, the falling action, and the resolution! And the setting is the where and the when of the story! I think I’m going to get an A+ on this!”

“You forgot something!” the voice said clenching his nonexistent teeth.

Then Katie remembered, “Oh right the characters! They help tell the story about themselves, right Mr. Voice?”

“Correct.” The voice said with a little more ease.

It was now 7:00 and Katie was starving! All she wanted to do was eat, but the voice wouldn’t let her. “You can’t eat until you’re done!” the voice had said. Katie wasn’t very happy. But now was not the time to be upset. It was time to buckle down and focus. “There isn’t many world views on this book,” Katie thought to herself, “But the author surly has some writing style, what was his name? Right, Trenton Lee Stuart! He writes in an omniscient narrator POV and it’s really interesting!”

“Finally you’re getting the hang of this,” the voice said with an exasperated tone, “I’m just going to take a quick nap. Working with you is hard work.” And then Katie herd snoring.

“well now that he’s asleep, I can go find my friends and family!” and Katie went in the direction of the big city.

When Katie follows her instincts, things go as planned (unlike other people she knew). “I have to find my friends! I’m starving!” so she listened to her gift and used it like google maps to find her family.”

She arrived at a very fancy restaurant called: Cafe des Architectes. It was extremely fancy and Katie felt very out of place. Then she remembered that her mom and dad were on a dinner date and she couldn’t come along. “Mr. Voice must be gone now. I’m starting to remember things!” So Katie decided to go find her friends and hang out with them.

Her gift started leading her back towards home, but instead of turning left on her street, Katie turned right! And then she remembered that she was supposed to meet her friends at the local chipotle to do homework together! Katie started running

When she got to chipotle, she found all of her friends talking amongst themselves. They sounded worried. “I’m here guys!” they all turned their heads towards her and ran over to give Katie a hug. “I’m sorry that I couldn’t come sooner. I just forgot!”

“We forgive you Katie! We’re just glad you came!” Alissa said.

“I’m starving! I think I’ll have the biggest Quesada they offer!” and they all had a wonderful night.

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